The Astrology of Radical Disruptive Change
Art by Harold Roth
The Astrology of Radical Disruptive Change
Yesterday’s Super Moon activated Pluto’s own sign of Scorpio in a tight T square to Saturn in Aquarius /Sun/Uranus in Taurus. These Fixed signs are regenerating growth through friction all year via the continuous triple Saturn/Uranus Squares - February 17 /June 14 /December 24 - so Taurus/ Leo/ Scorpio/ Aquarius will be feeling the push to go outside the box very insistently.
In Aquarius, Jupiter is the Creative Innovator and Saturn pure Potential. Combine this with Uranus the Awakener in Taurus the Tree of Life and you have an Engine of Revolution. Jupiter expands, Saturn hits hard and with great determination, while Uranus is a wild man. This huge aspect will smash apart logjams but not without resistance.
Everywhere you look- in science, space exploration, politics, financial systems, global approaches to climate change - you can’t fail to see the clash between the Old and the New, between the Progressive and the Status Quo, between Resistance and Revolution.
As the Aquarius frequency deepens, the New will start to replace the Old in the natural Universal Law of Balance. Your personal desire for change may be thwarted by other people, so be ready for resistance from all angles. Be open to changing patterns. New ones are looking to emerge and you may not be comfortable with the way they look at first.
Pushing this inner/outer process of non-negotiable renewal and regeneration even deeper, today Pluto turns retrograde until early October.
The Lord of the Underworld now is going back over 26-25 Capricorn between now and early October, when it goes direct. After that it will be in its shadow zone through early February 2022, when it will enter an unknown zone humanity has not experienced since 1776-1777. Revolutionary times are upon us over the next 7 years, especially in the USA which is about to experience its first Pluto Return since the days of the Founding Fathers.
As we rise from the ashes of the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn, these are the final outworkings of the sensitive late Capricorn degrees ahead of Pluto’s entry into Aquarius just after the 2023 March Equinox. When Pluto is at 1° Aquarius, it will release all kinds of permanent transformational energies related to the epochal Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction of December 2020 at that same degree.
In your own life, Pluto’s retrograde is pushing you to think about:
your personal power
areas of life where you wish you could gain a greater sense of control and what to do about it
aspects of your life you need to burn down in order to rebuild from the ground up.
It’s time to be radically honest about where you need to be more accountable. Ask yourself what in your life needs a refresh and tackle it head on. The only thing you'll regret doing during Pluto's backwards dance is nothing at all.
New! In May, 3 Doorways to Personal Renewal swing open one after the other.
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