5D Blog

seismic backwash from Friday’s lunar eclipse


Art by Victoria Topping

The seismic backwash from Friday’s lunar eclipse is Taurus is already hitting your nervous system and today the emotional and physical volatility rises as Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus both at odds with Saturn in Aquarius.

Some strategies:

engage neutrality and stay on your Witness perch

employ Skilful Will instead of Strong Will.

stay in your lane-meaning, don’t interfere in matters outside your control because life is bigger than you and will impose itself upon you each time. It has many millennia of experience and a toolbox of tricks, compared to your humble few decades of life

get clear on what and who is worth engaging with

go for win-win scenarios

if you notice yourself starting to fall off centre, becoming anxious, stressed or restless, just pause. Step away from your electronic devices- your phone, iPad, laptop, desktop- and go outside, even for just a few moments. If possible, actually touch the earth, look up at the sky, feel your feet on the ground. Open your senses. This breaks the old vagal sequences and restores your connection to your somatic Self.

New! This December is definitely not going to feel like the usual warrm and welcoming holiday season before we face the realities of another New Year. From December 1st to 31st, wave after wave of off -the- scales astrology will accelerate the Great Unveiling that begins on November 19th at the Taurus eclipse escalating at the December 4th Solar Eclipse. Think of it as an attuning you to the incoming Neptunian Tsunami of Dissolution that will define 2022.

Be prepared--sign up to my DECEMBER 5D Report:” Everything Counts…Everything Matters”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks