5D Blog

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.


C. G. Jung: “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”

As he re-crosses the cusp between futurist Aquarius and traditionalist Capricorn, Dark Lord Pluto is staring down Lady Venus across the sky, demanding the truth and nothing but the truth. At esoteric soul level, Venus resonates with the High Heart chakra offering the potential for deep healing.

In nearly all healing journeys, things seem to get worse before they get better. The more you notice and deal with an issue, the more it becomes obvious. The soul needs to not only see truth but to move with it, to live by it.

Melissa La Flamme’s powerful words reveal what it means to be real, authentic and congruent..

“Being authentic will cost you your ticket to ride from the collective mainstream but being too comfortable, amenable, pliable to the point of contorting yourself — is a ticket to selling your soul right up the river. Don't buy it. When you live from your own knowing-ness, from your gut and your wildly-rooted intelligence, you feel alive. Genuinely, madly, creatively alive.”

When you are transparent, you will stand out as you are truly seen. When you are transparent, others can "see through" you into you as your heart and true essence shines. You are clear, direct and kind. You are not an enigma; you don't leave people scratching their heads wondering what you just said and did. You do not hide. You are honest to the bone.

When you are congruent, you are aligned. What you think, say, feel in your heart, feel in your body and the actions you take line up to support and reflect each other. You know it in your body, often in your gut, when you put your attention there.

When you get real, it is actually not about you. Your individual program is only the ground from which you step and choose whether you will make this life of yours a walk of grit and beauty, or one of accommodation to the forces that insist you do it their way, be well-behaved, produce, consume, make nice, and as the poet, Mary Oliver says, "barely breathing and calling it a life."

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Steve Monks