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One week until the wild card Lunar Eclipse….


A heads up! One week until the wild card Lunar Eclipse….

Next Friday, November 19th, the Full Moon will glide through the shadow of Earth producing an almost-total lunar eclipse. All but a tiny sliver of the full Moon will turn sunset red during the 3.5 hours event. From North America and the Pacific, the entire eclipse will be visible from beginning to end and most of the globe will experience at least a touch of the light show.

Eclipses are tears and splits in the veil of linear time and reminders of impermanence - you “know” in your head that everything changes second by second but the sudden disappearance of the Light, the occulting, the overshadowing, the re-booting of what used to be your life, brings it home and make it starkly real.

Under eclipses, people leave, jobs end, passions fade, dreams disappear

This is the first North Node eclipse across Taurus/Scorpio since November 20 2002 - October 28 2004. Whichever aspect of your life is symbolised in your birth chart by Taurus/Scorpio is going to experience 7 wild card eclipses between November 19 2021 and October 28 2023 as the karmic Node of Fate transits Earth sign Taurus.

Your own Eclipse Cycle is the most important personal Chaos Node to track in your chart and in your life since it reveals where your evolutionary edge is - where your personal cosmic cursor is flashing. Look to see which aspect of your life Taurus /Scorpio symbolise and find the degrees between 23-29.

This eclipse cycle rifles through the taboo topics of your life: money, attitude toward possessions, sexuality, your intimate relations.

For 18 eclipse strategies plus all the eclipse dates to the end of 2022 get: ”Making Eclipses work for You” from the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks