Nothing big ever happens
“Nothing big ever happens, good or bad, unless the floor falls out first.” Jeanette LeBlanc
A heads up! Re-tuned to Multiple Bandwidths
This is a week when there is nothing to do, practice or be but allow the alchemy to unfold.........
On 11:11, Mercury Guide of Souls makes a Retrograde conjunction with the Sun at 18 Scorpio - a deep dive into the waters of the unconscious, the unknown and the numinous. On Tuesday November 12th, the Full Moon in Taurus, sign of the 3rd Eye,aligns with Saturn/Pluto, Neptune and the Node of Fate - a true Resurrection Moon. On Thursday 14th, Hierophant Jupiter starts his once in 12 year passage across the Galactic Centre at 25-29 Sagittarius in a process of Soul Retrieval.
As the 2020 Freedom Codes increasingly delete the past, this is the watershed moment of a 36-year process of awakening from layers of falsehood and distortion. It is pointing to what is beyond what you Know now and at the same time pointing you to what you have always known in your inner depths.
If you have Planets or points - Nodes, Ascendant, Descendant, MC, IC, Centaurs - between 26-29 Sagittarius and/or aspects from planets at these same degree, you are probably a Galactic Centre Transmitter, Horizon Edge Leader and Volunteer Soul.
The key is to remember that these insights are not easily verbalised or quantified and that you risk creating more confusion and drama if you try too hard or feel the need to prove what you are intuiting. It’s so easy to fall into the glamour of being special.
To find out more, buy my E-book: The New 5D Planets + Karmic Points and get your Personal 5D Chart:
Read your free November 11-17 Sign Forecasts + subscribe to my November 5D Report “Feeling the Heat of the Evolutionary Burn” at:
"Your monthly 5D Reports are in many ways my reference point, even home base. I give readings to people and occasionally go pretty far out to connect where the info is. This is what your writings feel like. What a treat......" Anne W, North Carolina, USA.