5D Blog

May you feel shored up


May you feel shored up, supported, entwined as you offer your gifts to the world. May you know for certain that even as you stand by yourself, you are not alone” Toko-Pa Turner

Take heart! As the harsh Saturn/Pluto crunch bites ever deeper, Jupiter is shining a great Light in our winter of discontent. The Great Benefic is the very soul of the two big cosmic events this December and beyond - the Full Moon on December 12th and the Solar Eclipse on December 26th.

Frame this as a preview of coming attractions in 2020 when Jupiter smooths Pluto’s rough edges all year then makes a stunning once in 20 year conjunction with Saturn on the December Solstice, ringing the Great Bell for the Aquarian Age.

Hierophant Jupiter pushes you out of your comfort zone to explore far horizons with confidence, optimism and bright faith in search of new maps of meaning from the ashes of the old. And nowhere is this more needed than in your search for Belonging……

The approaching wild card eclipse in Capricorn - and those to follow next year - is rapidly changing circumstances way beyond your control, bringing a complete changing of the guard. People will leave, new people will arrive. All your old” families” are being deconstructed - your family of origin, your nation, your government, your leaders.

“Who is my tribe now?” is the crucial question as old friendships and relationships evaporate and new alliances form.

And thanks to Jupiter working with boundary shifting Saturn and Pluto, Belonging is now a choice - the freedom of choosing who you relate to and collaborate with - online or in real time. Mastering Personal Power, Soft Power, Tribal Power by joining and creating Flow Tribes that coalesce around an issue or by being on the same frequency is one of your greatest opportunities under the Freedom Codes of 2020:
From 3D being Special to 5D being a Transformer
From 3D Ego Focus to 5D Eco Focus
From 3D Competition to 5D Collaboration, Empathy + Inclusivity

Get a heads up on December’s Eclipse - buy my 6 page guide to “Making Eclipses Work for You” : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

For the inside track on 2020, get my 2020 5D Report: ”The Great Reset” - your essential Guide to the whole of 2020 covering: the 6 Convergences; the Big Headlines; Personal and Collective Themes + Strategies for maximising the Freedom Codes.
Subscribe at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Your 2020 Report is simply splendid! Such a powerful transmission for such powerful moment, “The Great Reset”, a humanity’s rite of passage.”
So deep, so powerful!!!
” Paola B D Mexico

Steve Monks