5D Blog

Inside the silence we find truth


Art by Night Café Creator

“Inside the silence we find truth. We wither and we bloom. We grow into and out of people and relationships, ways of being and entire lives, both lived and unlived. We learn the boundaries and edges of ourselves.” Jeanette LeBlanc

As Neptune slows to turn direct at 24 Pisces as the Sun crosses the Great Attractor, switch up your intuition, your sensory acuity and your inner compass. Swim upstream against the tide of materialism and consumerism.

There is a high road and a low road. A muggle road and a magician road. A devil road and an angel road. An unconscious road and a conscious road-which will you choose?

It no longer works to:

debate with people about right or wrong

keep your old stories alive by constantly retelling them

hang on to past offenses

commiserate with others about injustices or wrongdoings

spend time in judgement

wish things were different

try to get someone to see your point of view

try to change others


drop your attachment to the way things should be, or used to be, or could be

realise you don’t need to know more theory-you just have to feel more truth.

get out of your head and into the world away from a screen.

be fully in your body to be fully alive

scan and sense any resistance or limited flow, any misalignment in your fields or body

dance with the transitory and stop trying to control the uncontrollable

find meaning in small daily rituals -live one day at a time

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“Thank you! What a treasure and resource ..!” Ellen G Texas USA

Steve Monks