Impermanence (n) - the way change falls in love with you
Art by Lori Menna
"Impermanence (n) - the way change falls in love with you " Andrea Balt.
A heads up! The Revelation Wave that is delivering us to 2021 is now rising and accelerating in intensity. Just look at the planetary/etheric time-line for the rest of December:
14 Total Solar Eclipse 23° Sagittarius
16 Chiron Direct
17 Saturn into Aquarius
19 Jupiter into Aquarius
20 Mercury into Capricorn
21 Capricorn Solstice Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction 0° Aquarius
23 Mars square Pluto
The last eclipse of 2020 anchors a geo-physical shock window that extends from the 7th - 21st December (!) along with signature extreme seismic disturbance. Solaris is flaring, CMEs are plentiful, and active Sunspots are increasing. The first M-Flare in 3 years released on December 9th. The photonic light is profound as this wave enters. Feel the palpable, physical, visible, trackable energies in your own High Heart and energy fields.
Next Monday’s Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius at the midpoint of the Great Attractor and Galactic Centre is a true Bonfire of the Vanities. Pluto is making the 3rd and final square to Disruptor Eris now, bringing karmic chickens home to roost from the 2016 Uranus/Eris conjunction that delivered Trump’s presidency along with Brexit, revealing what has to be left behind in the dustbin of history so that we can move forward in 2021. The results are in for this endgame.
At this intersection of Fate and Free Will, you won’t need to search for subtle clues in your own life - all sorts of relationships, behaviours, habits, preferences and attitudes will suddenly seem like a total mismatch with who you are now. You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because this cosmic recycling is making room for new memories.
During this Gateway passage to the Aquarian Era, stay on your Witness perch as the inevitable meets the illusory, get offline as much as possible, set your intentions consistently and pay attention to She Who Knows - that quiet voice of wisdom inside you.
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New! Eclipses are cosmic wild cards in your life with the potential to lift you out of Kansas and drop you on your own yellow brick road – for 18 eclipse strategies get: ”Making Eclipses Work for You”: in the Shop at