Imbolc Greetings from the Ancient Isles of Avalon……...
Beautiful Imbolc Art by Painting Dreams
A beautiful festival of hope and anticipation, Imbolc marks the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, also known as Candlemas or Feile Brighde, the Quickening of the Year.
It is Brigid's festival (Bridie, Bride, Bridget) the Goddess of healing, poetry and smith craft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect.
Brigid’s Song:
“I am the dream of awakening
I am the returning of the light
I am the tough green shoot pushing up through the pavestones, I am the first kiss of sunlight on the unfurling petals of the snowdrop.
I am the wind which whispers the gentle pull of home to the migratory bird
I am the drop of ice melting on the mountainside with its great dream of the ocean
I am the sap rising in the blossom tree just before it reveals its sticky buds to the sky; I am the riotous celebration humming away beneath the earth’s mantle of frozen sleep
I am the rousing of the bee from its winter slumber and the soft pad of the wolf’s paw on the snow as she prepares to birth her pups
I am hope, potential, rebirth and promise
I am the kindling breath which transforms the flicker of inspiration in your creative core into a blazing torch
Give me the silent crescent moon rising over the sea and I will build you a bridge of silver light so you can walk across it
Give me the frost-hardened wilderness and I will breathe radiant green life over it
Give me the healer, the writer, the craftsperson and the storyteller, and I will replenish her essence and make her new again
I am the quickening, I am the serpent uncoiling, I am Imbolc.”