5D Blog

Hope is not about proving anything.


Hope is not about proving anything. Its’s about choosing to believe this one thing: that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.” Annie Lamott

A heads up! A Message from the Future

As I predict in my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2020”, this is the year of the great shift from the political and corporate Capricorn, driven by Pluto and Saturn, to the progressive, social and humanitarian Aquarius, animated by Jupiter and Saturn - and the start of the decade of the Great Transformation 2020-2030. 2020 ends with an historic conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 Aquarius, which is one of the brightest astrological beacons we've had in a long time.

And this week, you’ll experience the first Aquarian futurist frequencies as a stunning New Moon at 4° Aquarius aligns perfectly with Uranus in Taurus - the body electric. Synchronistically, Aquarius is ruled by eccentric outlier Uranus, underlining the message of incoming progressive change.

In your own birth mandala, the part of life Aquarius symbolises for you is being woken up, shaken and stirred, reminding you that it’s time to stop watching the old world burn and turn towards building a different future. That everything you do makes a difference….that everything counts.

Light is information; Love is creation. The new Work is creative, where the past Work was transformational, dark, brutal and dangerous. There is no comparison.

Get your free January 12-19 2020 Week Ahead + Sign Forecast at: wwww.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

For the inside track on what this huge shift means for you, sign up to my February 2020 5D Report:” That Was Then…..This is Now”, written for path pavers, creatives, change makers and sensitives: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Thank you so much for all you offer -- the words and imagery, the broader and deeper understandings, the signals and insights. Your monthly 5D Reports are in so many ways my reference point, even home base. I give readings to people and occasionally go pretty far out to connect where the info is. This is what your writings feel like. What a treat..." Anne W, North Carolina.

Steve Monks