Eyes Wide Open
Eyes Wide Open
We’re in the eye of a perfect storm, one of those rare crux points in history - hard to discern when you’re right in the thick of it but blindingly obvious further down the time-line. Every single aspect this week counts and, with no space here, I will post throughout the week on Facebook:
Wednesday 8th: Jupiter conjuncts the karmic South Node of Fate
Friday 10th: A potent Lunar Eclipse at 20 Cancer
Saturday 11th: Volatile Uranus stations to turn direct at 2 Taurus
Sunday 12th : Saturn and Pluto conjunct at 22 Capricorn for the first time in 507 years.
This is not a one-off dramatic event, it’s just the start of a huge chain of dominoes toppling all our old certainties in the Great Transformation of 2020-2030.
If you have any planets, points or angles around 23 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you are going to be in the eye of this conjunction. If you have anything around 23 degrees in Pisces, Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio, the impact will be less jarring but still strong.
And every single one of us needs the Will and desire to make radical permanent changes instead of tinkering at the edges. An old life is going dark.
For your free January 5-12 2020 Week Ahead Forecast + Sign Forecasts visit: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
For a map to navigate by plus strategies for thriving, sign up to my January 2020 5D Report:” A New Year on Steroids”
and/or “Your Survival Guide to the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
"Freedom to create our very own, unique reality. That's what your work does Lorna. So, I thank you because its massive what you are doing and its helping so many of us”. Katie M, Clonmel, Ireland