5D Blog

Extreme High Tides or a Tsunami?


Week Ahead Saturday June 26-Sunday July 3 2022

Extreme High Tides or a Tsunami?

On Tuesday June 28th, just hours before the New Moon at 7° Cancer on Wednesday 29th, Neptune stations to turn retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd. This influx and churn of the Water element brings overwhelmingly emotional high tides and psychic undercurrents.

The New Moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith, so issues affecting women will be in the news. As I was writing this, the Roe v Wade judgment was overturned in the US - another outworking of the current US Pluto Return. Lilith is the farthest point from Earth in the Moon’s orbit and represents the feminine, particularly the darker, raw, powerful feminine instincts and attributes that have always been suppressed, banned or side-lined by the patriarchy. Lilith symbolises women’s primal power and instincts - creation itself.

With Jupiter /Chiron in Aries at odds with the New Moon re-opening old wounds, the need to stand up, speak out and hold firm will be strong, along with becoming extra-protective of your children, tribe, family, home or nation.

Be alert for hidden emotional trip wires as you and everyone around you become more sensitive or thin skinned than usual and use your intuition to see the truth through Neptune’s distorting hall of mirrors.

When the waters subside later in the week, what has washed up on the shore will become apparent. A time of huge disclosures is upon us now....

Chandra Symbol for New Moon Cancer 8: An alchemical text written on parchment

“The code that brings everything together is remembered. You cannot shake off the authoritative understanding of the higher aspect and its call. You are riveted to the spot. This way of being calls up wild events and experiences, to challenge and to rally your understanding into renewing itself. And as you discover how to stand in the chaos below, the path of always-having-known-these things-before will re-awaken.“ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.

No sign forecasts this week as I need to rest. Black Moon Lilith Art by Emma Sampson.

A heads up! The JULY 5D Report is being emailed direct to subscribers’ inboxes early tomorrow Monday June 27 GMT.

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Freedom to create our very own, unique reality. That's what your work does, Lorna. So I thank you because its massive what you are doing and its helping so many of us.” Katie M Clonmel Ireland

Steve Monks