Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it
“Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it” David Foster Wallace
A heads up!
Today’s Ring of Fire New Moon eclipse at 4° Capricorn is not a one off dramatic celestial event ….it sets off 3 weeks of activating, awakening and alchemising every single planet and point currently in Capricorn. There are 9! Yes, you read that right.
And in the next 24 hours, the Moon will conjunct, eclipse and occult each of them in turn, creating a hologram of what’s to come at the January 10 Lunar eclipse and the January 12 Saturn/Pluto Super Conjunction - a preview of coming attractions!
Today’s occultation is a South Node of Fate eclipse when the Solstice Rays sweep away anything that is karmic dross. Anyone or anything - relationship, habit, job, place - that leaves your life now is gone permanently - no going back.
The Solar minimum magnetic field is allowing galactic rays into our Solar system and into your energy field. Your body is taking you along for the ride….shift your daily rhythms to spend more time in the rest state free of toxins to clear, rejuvenate, reboot, activate and anchor the new photonic light via the pineal gland. Migrating your reality to the 5D levels turns out to be an intensely beautiful yet exhausting process. Deep restorative sleep is an absolute priority. These new levels of DNA activations will not be integrated without rest to allow the body to re-create itself in your higher image.
Your astrology chart is your Merkaba – your vehicle – for this lifetime. It’s not about polishing or pimping the vehicle or sitting in it looking at the engineering but where you go in it and how well you read the “weather” conditions.
Instead of being caught up in the drama of eclipses and solar flares, ground your expanding energy field and embodiment.
Create reliable daily foundations to transition you into the radically different frequency Field of 2020.
New! My January 2020 5D Report: “A New Year on Steroids” will arrive in subscribers’ inboxes tomorrow December 27th - full of essential survive and thrive tools and strategies. Don’t miss out, sign up at : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk