5D Blog

Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence.


“Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence. Here, where the old ways are crumbling and you may be tempted to burn down your own house. Ask instead for an introduction to that which endures. This place without a foothold is the province of grace. It is the questing field, most responsive to magic and fluent in myth. Here, where there is nothing left to lose, sing out of necessity that your ragged heart be heard. Send out your holy signal and listen for the echo back.” Toko-Pa Turner.

Today, the Centauric Questing Field opens before you as Mercury the Guide of Souls and the Sun our Light align with the karmic South Node of Fate in Sagittarius. This level of consciousness reveals where and how realities intersect. It is a both a doorway into feelings about events -a revelation of cosmic influences - and also an occult or seeing tool - to help you hold both rational thought (Mind) and intuitive awareness (Soma) of your connection to the unified Field that lies beyond what you perceive - the world behind the world.

Drop into Beginner’s Mind - a state of Not-Knowing - and recognise that Source is an open morphic field and it is alive

Break your habitual trance state by realising your mind is not a camera but a projector

Tune into your tracker skills of sensing, feeling, intuiting and grokking

Send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable

Identify which Random Attractor has the most pull, the most resonance, the most click. Trust it then move forward.

New! In December, day after day, wave after wave of off -the- scales astrology will accelerate the Great Unveiling that began on November 19th at the Taurus eclipse, escalating at the Sagittarian Solar Eclipse. Frame it as a necessary re-attunement ahead of the incoming Neptunian Tsunami of Dissolution that will define 2022.

If you are a sensitive, healer, solopreneur, transformation leader, change-catalyst or a creative nonconformist, don’t miss out - sign up to my DECEMBER 5D Report: ”Everything Counts…Everything Matters”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! For all of you who have been asking, my essential “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2022” will be released this Friday November 26th - the link will be at the end of the 5D Report for subscribers.

Steve Monks