Collective Recovery Beyond the old Hero/Heroine’s Journey……
Art by Elena Ray
Adrianne Tamar Arachne quote: “I’m no longer interested in any forms of spirituality, self- mastery programs, success mentors, coaches, healers, spiritual thinkers, or activists that don’t ultimately lead their communities back to responsible association to tending the Earth.
The endless quest for self-realization, personal brand mastery, self-success or soul-preneurship all strike me as bypasses that have only served to keep us disassociated from what’s actually going on here. Which requires us to exit the cult of individual success, whether seen through foggy spiritualized goggles or not, and get our hands dirty in the immediacy of our grounded environmental issues around us.
The world dies while we buy in to yet another charismatic voice telling us how to heal some yet unmastered part of ourselves even more deeply into narcissistic individual “success.” But if my healing only keeps looping back to myself and doesn’t ultimately lead to re-association with the Earth and my work to be part of It, then I’m just a casualty of healing-themed consumerism. And still contributing to the problems that are destroying the planet.”
As Evolutionaries, we are now on a Post Heroic Journey - regardless of whether we were working the Hero’s or Heroine’s model. Many of us have spent years struggling with not being seen, heard or recognised with our gifts simply because the old male model of the Hero’s Journey was not the Heroine’s path or experience of reality. The main difference between the hero and the heroine’s journey was whereas a hero was striving to conquer, to succeed, as an individual, a heroine had to start by striving for equality, normality and acceptance. Not anymore.
As Pluto begins to refract transformation through the Aquarian frequency, to be followed by the Saturn /Neptune conjunction at 0° Aries and Uranus entering Gemini, collectively and personally we need to begin the journey beyond the egocentric, narcissistic, self-referential. What we are struggling with are the ways in which we can become more fully human in a hyper connected more-than-human world.
This Journey goes one step further: it moves beyond the inward-looking nature of personal psychology, and becomes ecopsychology – in which looking inward also translates into looking outward at our place within the web of life.
This is going to be the Shift from Personal Psychology and Separation to Ecopsychology and Belonging
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