Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived.
Venus Art by Ivan Guaderrama
”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived.” Andrea Balt.
In the midst of the once in 8 years Venus retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th, Mercury- the Guide of Souls- is stationing to turn backwards tomorrow at 10 Aquarius until February 3rd.
The Messenger will re-activate the 25 Capricorn Venus/Pluto conjunctions underlining -for those of us who are sensitives, evolutionaries, empaths and path pavers- the urgency of waking up from the deep sleep of our blind spots and repetitive karmic loops to become fully present in Now.
If you cling to or fall back into the old fictions you used to fool yourself with, the present with its potential is inaccessible. If you keep trying to second guess or project yourself into the future, you lose your power to act Now.
Allow the myriad revelations, insights and realisations to arise naturally without judgment, in a spirit of receptive curiosity about how your inner software is being automatically updated. Capture all your embryonic thoughts about your core values, your resources, your relationships and your creations.
As Mercury travels back through futurist Aquarius, research, review and re-evaluate what is no longer useful to the future, whether it be your alliances, groups, technology or maps and models that have lost their meaning and purpose.
Know that you are doing something very important- you are clearing and cleansing your Field ahead so you can download the incoming high Piscean frequency of the once in 165 years Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in early April- and access to Walt Disney-like powers of imagination, intuition and creativity.
New! In February, after a long period of collective Wintering, hitting psychological bedrock and being adrift in psychic doldrums, there are hopeful signs that we can cautiously emerge from our caves and burrows like the Ground Hog and sniff the air for signs of the return of emotional Spring.
For the inside track, sign up to my February 2022 5D Report: “Life Stream Renewal” at:
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