5D Blog

Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived

Art by Leslie Benson Art comissioned by Christina Caudill Radiant Astrology

Art by Leslie Benson Art comissioned by Christina Caudill Radiant Astrology

” Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.

A heads up! A Game Changing Triple Eclipse Gateway

With huge spikes in the Schumann Resonance-Earth’s heartbeat-plus the largest solar flare since 2017, the triple June/July eclipse gateway is now wide open and already the seismic ripples are palpable. June 5th delivers a lunar eclipse on a sensitive point in the June 4 - July 22 Mercury Max cycle with a strong geophysical shock window between June 1 - 8.

Watch for seismic activity, including solar flares, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The increased magnetics can fritz your nervous and etheric systems, so to avoid feeling tired but wired, drink extra water and stay grounded by getting outside into nature. In the 3D world, people will react on a hair trigger - as in the protests and riots in the USA where the eclipses are shining a spotlight on racial injustice.

For the first time since December 14 2001 - November 23 2003 - whichever aspect of your life is symbolised by Gemini/Sagittarius is going to experience 7 wild card eclipses during 2020/21. The nature of the collective karmic chickens coming home to roost is shifting dramatically as is your new mission…. away from total obsession with personal security, belonging and sanctuary towards progressive thinking and problem solving.

Friday June 5th delivers the first lunar eclipse across the Sagittarius South Node of Fate/Gemini North Node of Fate since May 2002. Think back to that time to decipher the threads in your own life. It is conjunct the karmic Great Attractor whose strapline is: On the Wavelength of the Creator’s Voice. It’s a very intense point that has mystical and metaphysical properties-the seat of the Universal Source and cosmic balance.

If you have planets or points between 11 to 21 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, that part of your life will be shaken awake- be ready for unpredictable sideways elevators to start shifting you quickly you from one set of life circumstances into another.

This extremely potent South Node eclipse will change circumstances outside your control, pushing you to clear old karma, to break the chains of old toxic habits and cause and effect. Relationships could get real very quickly and the truth laid bare.

Coda: Switch your B.S. detector on to a high setting - you’re going to need it on your new Gemini Mission !

Get your free May 31-June 7 Week Ahead + Personal Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! If you’re a creative, path paver or sensitive, the 3 June/July eclipses are about to fast track you into Phase 2 embodiment and change your way of living and working. Sign up to my 5D Report:” Another Roll of the Eclipse Dice”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

“Lorna, your work is simply amazing. I don’t know of anyone who’s speaking to this moment more fiercely, both for me personally and for the collective. I’m so grateful to have been introduced to your 5D Reports.” — Julianna B, Santa Monica, California

Steve Monks