Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived
”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.
This is a week when everything counts, when everything matters. When the endings and changes going on behind the scenes are immense. It’s dawning on us that the old ways of doing things, of papering over the cracks, of thinking that someone else has the answers and our best interests at heart, of hiding our heads in the sand, are now permanently over.
The entire week plays out in the seismic window of Sunday’s Full Moon in Leo, an incoming solar wind on Tuesday 11th and the Mercury retrograde Trickster storm as Mercury at maximum impact stations to turn backwards on February 16/17th.The Messenger is in Pisces, so just at the time we need truth not disinformation, we walk into a hall of smoke and mirrors. Combined with a Full Moon in Fixed signs, expect disruption in the weather, in geomagnetic activity, in our energy infrastructure.
Since slippery Neptune rules Pisces, the Corona virus rumour mill of fear, doubt and uncertainty will be working overtime.
Pay attention to Mars moving across the Galactic Centre, entering Capricorn next weekend. Between February 17 and March 10th, Mars will re-trigger, re-activate and wake up the Saturn/Pluto super stellium in Capricorn. First Quaoar, then the Karmic South Node of Fate, Jupiter, Pluto, Chariklo and finally Saturn.
Mars will insistently repeat the big question: “The blinkers are off. Everything’s changed. What are you going to do about it?”
It is time for those of us who for years have been in the shadows holding the light to step forward, to come out of our caves and safe sanctuaries where we retreated for fear of not belonging and to become visible as beacons to a world in transition. You are needed to stabilise and anchor these profoundly extreme times and shifts
You must have a presence, a strong physicality and be willing to attract attention. No matter how flattened, ragged, bereft, raw, heartbroken or exhausted you feel, your very presence makes a difference.
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New! My latest 5D Report February 2020: "That Was Then....This Is Now" is the inside track on what the huge Saturn/Pluto/Eris triple whammy and the incoming Aquarian frequencies mean for you.
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“This is simply stunning, dear Lorna! I'm getting so many glimpses of what you write about - and it's so good to see them so clearly, thanks to your putting it into writing. A truly extraordinary 5D Report. “ Liz G Rome Italy