5D Blog



”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.

This is a defining moment - one of those punctuation points in Time - can your feel it? The karmic levers of power are shifting permanently as Pluto slows to maximum impact to turn forward after 5 months of working under the radar, collapsing social structures/systems from within. Mercury enters Pluto’s own sign of Scorpio in the Via Combusta - the Fiery Way and Razor’s Edge - as Mars crosses the World Axis and the Super Galactic Centre.

To witness this playing out in the Matrix, look at the gathering impeachment process in the USA, the severing of the UK/Europe Union alliance, the Hong Kong uprising and the North Korean missile attack-every single one inevitable yet a long time coming.

This is the 3rd and final pass of Pluto over 20 degrees Capricorn before the once in 507 years epochal Saturn/Pluto Conjunction on January 12 2020 - only 3 months away and intensifying daily. The Gatekeeper of Truth works to a 1-2-3 step strategy, first passing over then retrograding twice back over the same degree

Check these dates for the threads in your own life:
1st pass throughout 2018: losses, collapse of old structures - money, relationships, career - disruption of your outer world + no road ahead on your old path.
2nd Retrograde Pass in April - October 2019: nothingness, being in limbo or the void without maps + your old comfort zones eliminated.
3rd Pass Direct in October 2019-2020: a surge of authenticity, regeneration and life force through a resolution of polarities - an integrated higher level of operating. Both Saturn and Pluto bring the light of Truth - unequivocal straight down the line, tell-it-like-it-is Truth with a capital T.

Q: what/who has presented or dropped away in your life since 2014 and especially since April 2019 and how have you changed in response?
Q: how specifically have you turned from being buffeted by events - at Effect - to being responsive, reflexive and resourceful - at Cause?
Q: Since you stopped trying to control the uncontrollable, where in your life have you noticed the next step just appearing in front of you?

Find refuge in the absolute consistency of change. Life is impermanence and therefore change is not an aberration. Life is just life-ing so don’t take it personally.

The Chandra Symbol for Pluto Direct CAPRICORN 20: Many Different Perfumes carried by a Breeze.
“You bear within you many past lives, each one complete, autonomous. There are points along the journey when you must stand together with the whole line-up of your previous selves and follow the path they were all leading to. You are destiny-charged in a larger-than-life fashion. Being self-possessed is your watchword. There is so much to accomplish. And at the centre of the journey lies self-knowledge and the overriding determination to clear the karmic slate, to free up what has been trapped and bound and to come to yourself afresh. This destiny-will is guided, cosmically supported, centrally relevant to your whole world, and you will do it. Turn the darkest of hours into the brightest breakthroughs by refusing to stop anywhere or to back down from your resolve to wake up this time and get on with the greater path, at long last.”

New! Pluto transits bring Life Shocks. Sign up to my October 5D Report:” Turning Life Shocks into Leverage”- your guide to the next 3 months at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

My new website was created by the wonderful Sara Qualter. She can be found at : www.saraqualter.com

Steve Monks