Back to the Future?
Art by Wilson Mouraf
Back to the Future?
Today’s Aquarius Full Moon has eery echoes of the infamous August 11 1999 Solar Eclipse that heralded the new millennium. If you have planets in the Fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, that eclipse was a massive before and after event.
In 1999, the New Moon eclipse at 18 Leo formed a Fixed Grand Cross between Mars at 16 Scorpio opposing Saturn at 16 Taurus both square to Uranus at 14 Aquarius.
Today ‘s Full Moon is not an eclipse but is square the karmic Nodes of Fate in an echo of the Scorpio Lunar eclipse on May 16th 2022. It also forms a Fixed Grand Cross between Sun in Leo, Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus, Node of Fate and Mars in Taurus opposite South Node in Scorpio.
Collectively, this marks the start of a Revolution in the Fixed Signs 2022-2026. Just to give you an idea of how unusual this period is, the change agent slow-moving outer planets - Jupiter/ Saturn/ Uranus/ Pluto and the Nodes of Fate - are in an extremely rare procession through the Fixed Signs – Aquarius/ Taurus /Scorpio – until 2026. They overtake each other at various times, but throughout 2022-2026, all of them will trigger your fixed side - the parts of you most resistant to change - whether or not you have planets in these signs.
It will mean breaking the habits of a lifetime, forcing us to release thoughtless consumption, habits, beliefs, expectations and entitlements.
Frame today’s Full Moon as a chance to course correct, to rethink your strategy if an old source of income or support disappears, to develop a good support network and consistently reliable resources to build back stronger:
identify exactly where your comfort zones - personal, financial, relationships, beliefs - have turned into deep ruts keeping you stuck and spinning your wheels
make a list of what you used to consider essential, then prune it right back
radically overhaul your values, rethink what you find valuable, what it’s worth/not worth possessing or doing for money
make a plan or map showing how specifically you are going to regenerate your personal security and resources
make it an absolute priority to learn new technology and communication skills
New! Just released: “Your Guide to Saturn in Pisces March 2023-2026”.
An essential guide if you have planets in Pisces or Virgo, were born between 1962-1967 or are going to be 28,58 or 84 in the next 2 years. In the Shop at:
Get my subscriber-only August 5D Report: “We’re not in Kansas Anymore…” sign up in the Shop:
“Your August Report is quite brilliant. I would describe it as essential survival reading!!!” Theresa B, USA.