An End and a Beginning
An End and a Beginning
This week is the Moon Dark time of the entire annual astrological cycle just before the Equinox and, just as with any point of psychological re-entry, we need to tread carefully and be gentle with ourselves. This is not the moment to push ahead, to jump into the New without walking the last steps of the old with awareness.
Your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies are tired. Your clarity and focus are waning.
Take some quiet time to reflect on what and who you are naturally and unconsciously withdrawing from and what and who is withdrawing from you. To notice which old sources of joy are drying up and -- critically -- which new ones you must learn to recognise.
How do you receive the message? You stop resisting. You simply let it in.
The Aries Equinox March 20 2021
Illuminating the last degree of the last sign and the first degree of the first sign, this is Alpha and Omega - the End and a Beginning, the bridge to the invisible, infinite Source. At the Pisces/Aries cusp, there is a point where the two ends of the circle meet - a space through which life can enter and exit. This Zero Point of the zodiac corresponds to an opening to the transcendent, extending from 29° Pisces to 0° Aries. Here there is a zero sphere, a cosmic fissure, linking us to cosmic influences and transcendental worlds.
The Equinox Sun balancing day and night is conjunct centaur Chiron - an initiatory archetype creating fresh new patterns of living. Chiron functions as a holographic influence, promoting wholeness, balance and integration in an era of fragmentation and radical imbalance. Over the next few years, expect to evolve through several radical shifts of identity as Chiron bridge builds and repairs the inner fracturing and splits.
Evolving your own unique blue print, you are letting go of your old story and wounds of exile passed down from your heritage, your ancestors and collective consciousness.
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New! In April, we’re all standing at a crossroads deciding to become part of a collective or stand in opposition to it. Along with it comes resistance, rebellion and an incessant push to go outside your own kind of normal. Opportunities will find you, whether you are looking or not, to clean out themes of your life that are no longer satisfying your soul’s mission. Replacements to fill the void will be necessary. The ones that ultimately fill the gap may find you with great surprise and unexpectedness.
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