A Karmic Cease and Desist Order
Art by Pete Phoenix.
A Karmic Cease and Desist Order
If, since January 2020, you - like everyone else - have felt trapped by restrictions outside your control, claustrophobic and almost paralysed by lack of options, this is going to change when one of the most unrecognised but ancient planetary configurations ends on April 1st.
This is the extreme and inauspicious sacred geometry of the Kala Sarpa Yoga when all the planets in our solar system are locked into one half of the zodiac behind the karmic Nodes of Fate. Think of it as only being able to see out of one lens of your glasses with the other blacked out - it gives a restricted, distorted perspective.
Kala means time, Sarpa means Serpent and Yoga means combination. So, we could read Kala Sarpa Yoga, as global consciousness trapped into one Ground Hog Day segment of time.
In Vedic astrology the Moon’s Nodes are based on a Snake metaphor, whereas in Western astrology they are aligned with the image of a Dragon. The Nodes in both systems are highly charged points that mark the eclipse cycles, and if you think of time as an actual entity — not just a conceptual creation — the Nodes would mark the entrance and exit points of force, within time’s body.
The pattern which began on February 25th 2020 starts to break on March 31st when action planet Mars conjuncts the North Node of Fate in Gemini then moves forward … but It will be the end of May before Mercury also crosses the Node of Fate and the Cancer New Moon in June starts a new cycle of collective liberation.